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[Accegen] MCAS

Cat-No. ABL-TC0396


미국 Accegen은 생명과학 연구와 의약품 개발을 지원하기 위해 다양한 세포주와 생물학적 제품을 제공하는 바이오 제품 제조 기업입니다.

제품 설명


제품 번호


제품 특징

The MCAS cell line was derived from mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary and has a doubling time of 27 hours, according to the original published paper. In culture, these cells form a monolayer with a pavement-like cellular arrangement. They exhibit rather large cells with vacuoles in the cytoplasm when confluent, and PAS staining shows positivity specifically in these large cells. Chromosomal analysis indicates a peritetraploid tendency. When heterotransplanted into nude athymic mice, MCAS cells develop tumors with both cystic and solid components, making them a valuable tool for ovarian cancer research.


Why choose MCAS from AcceGen?

The MCAS cell line from AcceGen offers superior quality and viability, maintained under sterile conditions, and certified negative for bacteria, fungi, and mycoplasma. To ensure safety, PCR assays confirm the absence of human pathogens. Identity is verified through STR analysis, making it a reliable resource for research applications.

The MCAS cell line is a crucial asset in the field of human ovarian carcinoma research, particularly for investigating potential treatments and underlying mechanisms for inhibiting the growth of mucinous ovarian carcinoma tumor cells. Researchers employ MCAS cells to identify drugs and study their effects, shedding light on promising molecular therapies. This cell line serves as a valuable tool to explore novel therapeutic strategies and develop a deeper understanding of mucinous ovarian carcinoma, ultimately contributing to advancements in cancer treatment.

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