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[Accegen] RK13

Cat-No. ABC-TC0973


미국 Accegen은 생명과학 연구와 의약품 개발을 지원하기 위해 다양한 세포주와 생물학적 제품을 제공하는 바이오 제품 제조 기업입니다.

제품 설명


제품 번호


제품 특징

RK13 is a heteroploid cell line derived from trypsinized kidney cells of a 5-week-old rabbit, containing approximately 62 chromosomes. It has demonstrated susceptibility to various viruses, including pseudorabies virus, rabbitpox virus, myxomatose virus, vaccinia, RK13EAV. Other viruses, like Simian adenovirus and rubella, have also been shown to induce cytopathic effects (CPE) in RK13 cells, indicating their susceptibility to these viral infections. Additionally, RK13 cells exhibit calreticulin on their surface, forming complex(es) with tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) and TNFR-associated death domain (TRADD) protein.


Why choose RK13 from AcceGen?

RK13 cells are characterized by their high viability and quality, ensuring reliable experimental results. They are incubated under optimal conditions to maintain their stability. Moreover, these cells are sterile and regularly screened to be mycoplasma-free, ensuring the integrity of experiments. Additionally, RK13 cells are cryopreserved using advanced techniques, allowing for long-term storage and convenient access for future research.

RK13 cells serve as valuable mammalian cell hosts for stable transfection in virus studies, making them essential tools for investigating viral replication, pathogenesis, and antiviral drug development. Their susceptibility to various viruses allows researchers to study how these pathogens interact with host cells and induce cytopathic effects. Furthermore, RK13 cells are utilized to investigate apoptosis induction, providing crucial insights into cell death mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets.

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