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[Accegen] KHYG-1

Cat-No. ABC-TC0506


미국 Accegen은 생명과학 연구와 의약품 개발을 지원하기 위해 다양한 세포주와 생물학적 제품을 제공하는 바이오 제품 제조 기업입니다.

제품 설명


제품 번호


제품 특징

KHYG-1, a natural killer (NK) leukemia cell line, was established from the blood of a patient with NK cell malignancies. KHYG-1 shows the morphology of large granular lymphocytes with a large nucleus, coarse chromatin, conspicuous nucleoli, and abundant basophilic cytoplasm with many azurophilic granules. KHYG-1The immunophenotype of KHYG-1 cells contains CD1−, CD2+, surface CD3−, cytoplasmic CD3ε+, CD7+, CD8αα+, CD16−, CD25−, CD33+, CD34−, CD56+, CD57−, CD122+, CD132+, and TdT−. KHYG-1 has a point mutation in exon 7 of the p53 gene, which is identical to the mutation found in primary leukemia cells. KHYG-1 is a highly cytotoxic cell line against the leukemia cell lines EM2, EM3, and HL60, and this cytolytic capacity of KHYG-1 might be involved with activation receptor NKp44 and its adaptor, DAP12, NKG2D, and constitutively phosphorylated ERK2.


Why choose KHYG-1 from AcceGen?

AcceGen supports KHYG-1 cells with excellent quality and the best cell viability. KHYG-1 is prepared by professional operators, and every lot of KHYG-1 is tested with a comprehensive quality assurance system to satisfy customer with our good service, based on the tests of sterility, viability of post-thaw, identification using STR analysis, and growth state.

Source Organ

Peripheral Blood

Recommended Medium And Supplement

RPMI 1640 + 10% FBS

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