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[Accegen] EBC-1

Cat-No. ABL-TC0170


미국 Accegen은 생명과학 연구와 의약품 개발을 지원하기 위해 다양한 세포주와 생물학적 제품을 제공하는 바이오 제품 제조 기업입니다.

제품 설명


제품 번호


제품 특징

EBC-1 cells are a human lung squamous cell carcinoma line derived from explant cultures of various types of lung carcinomas, including squamous cell, adeno-, and small cell carcinoma. When transplanted into hamsters, EBC-1 cells exhibit the characteristic feature of metastasizing to the lungs. EBC-1These cells possess a p53 mutation (p.Glu171Ter, c.511G>T) and display heterogeneity in EGFR gene mutations. Additionally, EBC-1 cells exhibit amplification of the Met gene and overexpression of Met receptors, which are involved in the growth, invasion, and metastasis of the tumor. EBC-1 cells exhibit an epithelial-like morphology and adherence in culture. Subculturing is performed using a 1:8 split ratio and 0.25% Trypsin for detachment.


Why choose EBC-1 from AcceGen?

EBC-1 cells from AcceGen possess several key features. They are sterile, ensuring the absence of bacteria, fungi, and mycoplasma contamination. These cells are prepared by professional operators following optimal standards, guaranteeing the reliability and reproducibility of experimental results. Rigorous quality control measures are implemented to maintain the authenticity and characteristics of EBC-1 cells. Moreover, these cells exhibit high viability, ensuring their suitability for various experimental assays and long-term culturing. These features make EBC-1 cells a reliable and valuable resource for studying lung squamous cell carcinoma and related research.

EBC-1 cells, when implanted into hamsters, serve as a valuable model for studying human lung cancer. Researchers can utilize this model to investigate the mechanisms underlying metastasis and evaluate the chemosensitivity of anticancer agents. The EBC-1 model enables the exploration of new targets for cancer therapy and allows the testing of relevant inhibitors to determine their ability to suppress pulmonary metastasis. This cell line provides a platform for studying the efficacy of potential therapeutic interventions and aids in the development of novel treatment strategies for lung cancer.

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