Primer design은 고품질의 맞춤형 프라이머 설계 서비스를 제공하여,
생명과학 연구 및 유전자 분석에 최적화된 솔루션을 지원하는 선도적인 기업입니다.
PCR Reagent & Consumable 리스트
Product Code | Product Name | Brand |
A00020 | genesig® SARS-CoV-2 Winterplex Calibration Control Pack | Winterplex |
A00050 | Swabs, box of 500 | |
A00051 | Swabs with break point pack of 100 | |
A00204 | genesig® COVID-19 3G Calibration Control Pack | genesig |
R01267 | Template Preparation Buffer (10 x 1.5ml) | |
Z-BLUEDYE-10ML | Blue dye for adding to 10ml Precision Master Mix | |
Z-BLUEDYE-1ML | Blue dye for adding to 1ml Precision Master Mix | |
Z-BLUEDYE-20ML | Blue dye for adding to 20ml Precision Master Mix | |
Z-BLUEDYE-2ML | Blue dye for adding to 2ml Precision Master Mix | |
Z-BLUEDYE-5ML | Blue dye for adding to 5ml Precision Master Mix | |
Z-BW-384GEN | 10 x Bright White real-time PCR 384-well plates | |
Z-BW-8STRIP | 120 x 8-strip cap seals for Bright white 96 well plates | |
Z-BW-96480 | 10 x Bright White real-time PCR 96-well plates | |
Z-BW-96AB1 | 10 x Bright White real-time PCR 96-well plates | |
Z-BW-96GEN | 10 x Bright White real-time PCR 96-well plates | |
Z-BW-ADVSEAL | 12 x adhesive seal for Bright White 96/384 well plates | |
Z-BW-ECO | 48 x real-time PCR 48-well plates for Illumina Eco machines | |
Z-BW-ECOSEAL | 48 x adhesive seal for 48 well plates for the Illumina Eco | |
Z-BW-FAST | 10 x Bright White real-time PCR 96-well plates | |
Z-DNASE-50 | Precision DNase kit. 50 reactions | |
Z-EC-B.taurus | Precision qPCR endogenous control for Bos taurus (cow) | Precision |
Z-EC-C.L.FAMILIARIS | Precision qPCR endogenous control for Canis lupus familiaris | |
Z-EC-Human | Precision qPCR endogenous control for Human, 150 reactions | |
Z-EC-O.aries | Precision qPCR endogenous control for Ovis aries (sheep) | Precision |
Z-EC-S.scrofa | Precision qPCR endogenous control for Sus scrofa (Pig) | |
Z-EC-Saccharomycetales | Precision qPCR endogenous control for Saccharomycetales | |
Z-EC-T.aestivum | Precision qPCR endogenous control for T.aestivum, 150 rxns | |
Z-FAST-INT-DNA-CY5 | FAST Internal PCR control with DNA template and CY5 probe | |
Z-gDNA-hu-DD | Human genomic DNA detection kit with Double Dye probe | |
Z-gDNA-hu-q-DD | Human genomic DNA quantification kit with Double Dye probe | |
Z-genesig-0.1 | genesig 0.1ml tubes, 500 | genesig |
Z-genesig-8STRIP | genesig 8 strip tubes, 120 | genesig |
Z-genesigEASY-0.2 | genesig q16 reaction tubes, 54 | genesig |
Z-genesigEASY-0.5 | genesig easy 0.5ml tubes, 1000 | genesig |
Z-genesigEASY-1.5 | genesig easy 1.5ml tubes, 2 x 500 | genesig |
Z-genesigEASY-P20 | Pipette tips for up to 20ul, box of 10x96 | genesig |
Z-genesigEASY-P200 | Pipette tips for up to 200ul, box of 10x96 | genesig |
Z-genesigEASY-P500 | Pipette tips for up to 500ul, box of 10x96 | genesig |
Z-genesigEASY-Pipettes | set of 4 genesig easy pipettes, 5ul, 10ul, 200ul & 500ul | genesig |
Z-genesigEASY-Pro K buffer | Proteinase K buffer for use with genesig easy extraction kit | genesig |
Z-genesigEASY-Proteinase K | Proteinase K for use with genesig easy extraction kit | genesig |
Z-genesigEASY-Sample prep buff | Sample preparation buffer for genesig easy extraction kit | genesig |
Z-hu-std | copy number positive control for custom human assay | |
Z-INT-DNA-CY5 | Internal PCR control with DNA template and CY5 probe | |
Z-INT-DNA-CY5-LL | Internal PCR control with DNA template and CY5 probe | |
Z-INT-DNA-FAM | Internal PCR control with DNA template and FAM probe | |
Z-INT-DNA-FAM-LL | Internal PCR control with DNA template and FAM probe | |
Z-INT-DNA-ROX | Internal PCR control with DNA template and ROX probe | |
Z-INT-DNA-VIC | Internal PCR control with DNA template and VIC probe | |
Z-INT-DNA-VIC-LL | Internal PCR control with DNA template and VIC probe, L.lact | |
Z-INT-RNA-CY5 | Internal PCR control with RNA template and CY5 probe | |
Z-INT-RNA-CY5-LL | Internal PCR control with RNA template and CY5 probe | |
Z-INT-RNA-FAM | Internal PCR control with RNA template and FAM probe | |
Z-INT-RNA-ROX | Internal PCR control with RNA template and ROX probe | |
Z-INT-RNA-VIC | Internal PCR control with RNA template and VIC probe | |
Z-INT-RNA-VIC-LL | Internal PCR control with RNA template and VIC probe, L.lact | |
Z-ra-std | copy number positive control for custom rat assay | |
Z-RNase/DNase free water | RNase/DNase free water, for molecular biology (10 x 1.5ml) | |
Z-RNase-inhibitor | RNase inhibitor (96 rxn) | |
Z-RT-nanoScript2 | Precision nanoScript 2 RT kit. 50 reactions | |
Z-RT-nanoScript2-150 | Precision nanoScript 2 RT kit. 150 reactions | |
Z-RT-noRT2-ctrl | No RT control aliquot for nanoscript2 premix kit | |
Z-RT-premix2-48 | 48 reaction RT premix with nanoscript 2, 48 reactions | |
Z-yDNA-hu-DD | Human Y chromosome detection kit with Double Dye probe | |
Z-yDNA-hu-q-DD | Human Y chromosome quantification kit with Double Dye probe |
Primer design - Official Distributor in South Korea "Morebio" 한국 공식 대리점 "모아바이오"