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[YEASEN] Mouse Tissue Direct PCR Kit (With Dye)

Cat-No. 10185ES
10185ES50 / size: 50T
10185ES50 / size: 200T

YEASEN은 생명과학 연구 및 진단을 위한 고품질의 연구용 시약과 기기를 제공하는 글로벌 바이오 기업입니다.

제품 설명

Mouse Tissue Direct PCR Kit (With Dye)

제품 번호

10185ES50 / size: 50T

10185ES50 / size: 200T


제품 설명


This kit can directly and quickly conduct PCR amplification of mouse tissue (such as mouse tail, mouse ear, mouse toe, muscle, etc.), and has strong sample compatibility. Equipped with a powerful lysis buffer, this kit can rapidly lyse samples and release genomic DNA. The lysate can be directly added to the PCR reaction system without purification, and the operation is convenient. In addition, this kit requires low sample input, and 5 mg mouse tissue or 1-5 mm mouse tail can be used for experiments.

The 2× Mouse Direct PCR Mix provided by this kit is a hot-start PCR reaction solution with a 2-fold concentration. It contains all the components used for PCR amplification except the template and primers, which greatly simplifies the operation process and reduces the chance of contamination. The kit can be used for transgene identification, mouse genotyping, etc.


  • Less sample required: 5 mg of mouse tissue or 1-5 mm of mouse tail
  • Convenient template preparation: no need to grind, no need to refine and purify DNA, higher flux, time and money saving
  • Optimized PCR system: with higher specificity and stronger tolerance of PCR reaction inhibitor


  • Identification of transgenic mice
  • Genotyping of mice
  • Mouse gene knockout analysis


Product specification


Hot start

Built-in Hot Start

Conditions for transportation

Ice Packs

Product type

Direct PCR Kit

Apply to (application)

Mouse tail, Mouse ear, Rat toe, Viscera, Skin, etc.


Components No.





Buffer ML

5×1 mL

20×1 mL


Buffer MT

0.6 mL

2×1.25 mL


2× Mouse Direct PCR Mix

500 μL

2×1 mL

a) Buffer ML is a lysis buffer containing strong protein denaturants, please wear gloves.

b) Buffer MT is a stop buffer used to stop the lysis function of Buffer ML.

c) 2× Mouse Direct PCR Mix: Contains hot-start Taq DNA polymerase, dNTP mix, MgCl2 , reaction buffer, PCR reaction enhancer, optimizer, stabilizer, electrophoresis indicator dye, etc.


1. Component A: The product should be stored at 2°C~8°C for one year. For multiple use for a long time, please avoid cross-contamination.

2. Component B/C: The product should be stored at -25℃ ~ -15℃ for one year. Please avoid repeated freeze-thaw.


1. Target gene (within 1 kb) amplification result

Figure 1. Suitable for target gene amplification within 1 kb.

2. The extension speed demostration

Figure 2. 500bp gene, the extension speed can be as fast as 1sec/kb.

Cited from "TFPI is a colonic crypt receptor for TcdB from hypervirulent clade 2 C. difficile. Cell . 2022 Mar 17;185(6):980-994.e15. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.02.010. "

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mRNA enzyme


Viral Vector Manufacturing

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DNA Library Preparation

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YEASEN - Official Distributor in South Korea "Morebio" 한국 공식 대리점 "모아바이오"