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[GeneTarget] CRE Expression Cells 리스트


Gentarget는 유전자 편집 및 생명과학 연구를 위한 고급 솔루션과 서비스를 제공하는 글로벌 생명과학 기업입니다.

CRE Expression Cells

Pre-made stable cell line, derived from HEK293 cells or other host cell lines, constitutively expresses a nuclear localized CRE recombinase with different fluorescent and antibiotic markers.

When included, a fluorescent protein (GFP or RFP) is co-expressed under the same promoter as a seperated protein (not as fusion), mediated via the 2A element. An antibiotic markers (Puro, Neo or Bsd) were expressed under RSV promoter. See the expression cassette scheme below for details.

Please click each product link below for product details.

Stable Cell Lines - CRE Expression Cells List

Product nameCat. No.
CRE Expression / HEK293 Cell Line (Bsd)SC004-Bsd
CRE Expression / HEK293 Cell Line (GFP, Puro)SC004-GP
CRE Expression / HEK293 Cell Line (Neo)SC004-Neo
CRE Expression / HEK293 Cell Line (Puro)SC004-Puro
CRE Expression / HEK293 Cell Line (RFP, Bsd)SC004-RB
CRE Expression / HEK293 Cell Line (RFP, Puro)SC004-RP
Luciferase (firefly) & CRE Expression cell line (GFP-Bsd)SC021-GB
Luciferase (firefly) & CRE Expression cell line (RFP-Puro)SC021-RP
Luciferase (firefly) & CRE Expression stable cell line (Puro)SC021-Puro

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