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제품 설명
SYNCstore™ STM (Covid-19 Solutions/Sample Storage Buffer)
제품 번호
제품 특징
Covid-19 Solutions/Sample Storage Buffer
The SYNCstore™ STM is a specimen transport medium and designed for sample collection, shipping, and storage, especially suitable for nasopharyngeal/ oropharyngeal swabs. In addition, the SYNCstore™ STM can be used for virus/bacteria inactivation and DNA/RNA stabilization. Samples in SYNCstore™ STM stored at 22-27℃ is stable for 1 week and at -20℃ or -70℃ is stable for months to 1 year. The SYNCstore™ STM is compatible with most of nucleic acid extraction kits, including column based and magnetic beads based kits. The purified DNA/RNA from SYNCstore™ STM is suitable for subsequent nucleic acid tests (NAT) such as qPCR and qRT-PCR.
Specifications (Cat. # SS1000)
- Format: 1 ml/ 3 ml SYNCstoreTM STM in 7 ml tube with cap. With/ without nasopharyngeal swabs.
- Sample: Sputum, saliva, nasopharyngeal/ oropharyngeal swabs, nasal washes, urine, fecal.
- Features: Virus/bacteria killing
Nucleases inactivation
RNA stabilization
Sample long term storage
Room temperature transport
Human cfDNA/cfRNA stabilization
sample collection, shipping, storage. Virus/bacteria inactivation, DNA/RNA stabilization.
SYNCstoreTM STM Test Data
Bacteria killing

Test 1 .Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positive) were grown to 0.8 of OD600. Same amount cells with SYNCstoreTM STM treatment at room temperature for 10 minutes and without treatment were plated on BAP plates and incubated for 48 hrs. The results showed that the Staphylococcus aureus cells can be completely killed by SYNCstoreTM STM.

Test 2 .Escherichia coli (Gram-negative) were grown to 0.8 of OD600. Same amount cells with SYNCstoreTM STM treatment at room temperature for 10 minutes and without treatment were plated on BAP plates and incubated for 18 hrs. The results showed that the Escherichia coli cells can be completely killed by SYNCstoreTM STM.
Virus killing
Test 3 .The Influenza A virus (RNA, enveloped virus) with and without SYNCstore™ STM treatment was mixed with growth medium and poured onto a plate with a lawn of actively growing MDCK cells. After overnight incubation, the plaques were visualized, quantified, and the titer was determined. The results showed that SYNCstore™ STM can completely kill the Influenza A virus.
RNA stability

Test 4 .SYNCstoreTM STM provides long-term storage of Influenza A viral RNA. It efficiently protects the RNA integrity after 14 days storage at 25 ⁰C. All segments of viral RNA can be detected by RT-PCR.
Geneaid의 모든 제품을 만나 보세요!
Automatic Extraction
DNA Extraction
Covid-19 solutions
RNA Extraction
Sample Storage Buffer
Cell free DNA/RNA Extraction
96well DNA/RNA Extraction
Spin Column Viral DNA/RNA
Magnetic Beads DNA/RNA Extraction
DNA/RNA/Protein Extraction
Reagent DNA Extraction
Geneaid - Official Distributor in South Korea "Morebio" 한국 공식 대리점 "모아바이오"