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[Hytest] Influenza A nucleoprotein, antibody

Cat-No. 3IN5
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제품 설명 

Influenza A nucleoprotein, antibody

제품 번호

Cat. 3IN5

제품 특징

  • Cat.#


  • Recombinant MAbs:

    FA32, FA35, FA38, FA58

    Recombinant antibody expressed in a mammalian cell line. Full-size IgG sequence derived from rabbit B cells.


    Recombinant chimeric antibody expressed in a mammalian cell line. Composed of original wild type variable domains of rat derived MAb and human IgG1 constant domains.

    FA91, FA94

    Recombinant chimeric antibody expressed in a mammalian cell line. Composed of original wild type variable domains of sheep derived MAb and human IgG1 constant domains.

  • MAbs in vitro


    Mouse monoclonal antibody produced in bioreactor. Hybridoma clone derived from hybridization of Sp2/0 myeloma cells with spleen cells of Balb/c mice.

  • MAbs in vivo

    F8, InA108, InA180, InA224, InA245

    Mouse monoclonal antibody produced in ascites. Hybridoma clone derived from hybridization of Sp2/0 myeloma cells with spleen cells of Balb/c mice.

  • Immunogens

    Recombinant nucleoprotein of influenza virus type A strain H1N1 A/California/07/2009 for FA17, FA32, FA35, FA38, FA52, FA58, FA91, FA94

    Purified influenza virus type A strain H1N1 for F8, InA108, InA180, InA224, InA245

  • Specificity:

    Influenza virus type A (nucleoprotein). No cross-reactivity to NP of influenza B virus.
    The following strains were tested with MAbs FA17, FA32, FA35, FA38, FA52, FA58, FA91, and FA94 and they all reacted with these strains:

    Testing was carried out using corresponding recombinant nucleoproteins or lysates of purified viral preparations.
    All antibodies are not cross-reactive to influenza B virus (<0.1%). Testing was carried out using lysates of purified viral preparations of influenza B/Colorado/06/2017.
    MAbs FA17, FA32, FA35, FA38, FA52, FA58, FA91, FA94 were tested with SARS-CoV-2 nucleoprotein and demonstrated no cross-reaction (<0.05%)

  • MAb isotypes:

    IgG for FA32, FA35, FA38, FA58

    IgG1 for FA17, FA52, FA91, FA94, InA108, InA224

    IgG2a for F8

    IgG2b for InA245

    IgG3 for InA180

  • Applications:

    MAb F8 can be used in immunocytochemistry. MAb F8 inhibits viral reproduction after fatty acid acylation.

    MAbs InA108 and InA245 detect influenza A nucleoprotein in Western blotting.

    All MAbs are working in ELISA.

    Recommended pairs for influenza A nucleoprotein detection: 

  • Purification:

    Protein A chromatography for FA17, FA32, FA35, FA38, FA52, FA58, FA91, FA94, InA108, InA180, InA224, InA245

    Protein G chromatography for F8

  • Presentation:

    PBS, pH 7.4, 0.09 % sodium azide (NaN3) for FA17, FA32, FA35, FA38, FA52, FA58, FA91, FA94, F8, InA108, InA224, InA245

    50 mM sodium citrate, 150 mM NaCl, pH 6.0, 0,09 % azide (NaN3) for InA180

  • Storage:

    +4 °C (+2 … +8 °C allowed)

  • Material safety note:

    This product is sold for research or further manufacturing use only. Standard Laboratory Practices should be followed when handling this material.

    Product contains sodium azide as a preservative. Although the amount of sodium azide is very small appropriate care must be taken when handling this product.

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