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[Hytest] Listeria monocytogenes antibody

Cat-No. 3L1


HyTest는 주로 심혈관 질환, 신경퇴행성 질환, 전염병 및 기타 주요 건강 문제에 대한 연구 및 진단에 사용되는 고품질의 항체 및 항원을 

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제품 설명

Listeria monocytogenes antibody

제품 번호


제품 특징

  • Cat.#


  • MAbs:

    LZF7, LZH1

  • Specificity:

    MAbs recognize Listeria monocytogenes outer membrane fraction and intact L. monocytogenes cells.

  • MAb isotypes:

    IgG1 for MAb LZH1
    IgG2a for MAb LZF7

  • Applications:

    Indirect ELISA and Western blotting.

    Recommended pair for sandwich immunoassay (capture - detection): LZH1 - LZF7.

  • Purification:

    Protein G chromatography

  • Presentation:

    PBS, pH 7.4, 0.09 % sodium azide (NaN)

  • Storage:

    +4 °C (+2 … +8 °C allowed)

  • Material safety note:

    This product is sold for research or further manufacturing use only. Standard Laboratory Practices should be followed when handling this material.

    Product contains sodium azide as a preservative. Although the amount of sodium azide is very small appropriate care must be taken when handling this product.

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Product category


Clinical area



Hytest - Official Distributor in South Korea "Morebio" 한국 공식 대리점 "모아바이오"