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[Biotechrabbit] 2X YourTaq™ PCR Master Mix

Cat-No. BR0102201
BR0102201 - 200 reactions of 50 µl
BR0102202 - 1000 reactions of 50 µl
BR0102203 - 4000 reactions of 50 µl

Biotechrabbit은 바이오의약품 및 생명과학 연구를 위한 고급 실험 재료와 서비스를 제공하는 회사입니다.

제품 설명

2X YourTaq™ PCR Master Mix

제품 번호

BR0102201 - 200 reactions of 50 µl

BR0102202 - 1000 reactions of 50 µl

BR0102203 - 4000 reactions of 50 µl

제품 특징


  • Exceptionally pure YourTaq DNA Polymerase
  • Optimized Master Mix for increased yield of amplification
  • Resistant to PCR inhibitor carry-over
  • Excellent PCR specificity and sensitivity for a broad range of amplicons


  • Routine and demanding PCR amplification up to 3 kb
  • Suitable for amplification of low target copy number
  • TA cloning


biotechrabbit™ YourTaq PCR Master Mix is optimized for high yield of amplification of 0.1–3 kb DNA targets, even from low copy number. The mix shows excellent PCR specificity and sensitivity for a broad range of amplicons. YourTaq PCR Master Mix is resistant to PCR inhibitors, such as blood (up to 20%), Ethanol or humic acid enabling PCR amplification from DNA templates with carry-over of PCR-inhibitors.

The 2X YourTaq PCR Master Mix contains pure biotechrabbit YourTaq DNA Polymerase, extremely high-quality dNTPs and optimized PCR buffer; thus, only template, PCR primers and PCR-grade water are added. In addition, the mix is suitable for amplification of GC-rich templates (up to 70%) pairing with 5X PCR Enhancer (BR1900201).

Info: Recommended annealing temperature is 2°C above primer Tm (use gradient PCR to optimize the annealing temperature).

Other Information



YourTaq PCR Mix

Optimized 2X YourTaq PCR Mix



-30°C to -10°C (until expiry date – see product label)


Quality Control
Functional assay

Human genomic DNA was amplified using the PCR Master Mix and specific primers to produce a distinct band.


Prevention of PCR contamination

When assembling the amplification reactions, care should be taken to eliminate the possibility of contamination with undesired DNA.

  • Use separate clean areas for preparation of samples and reaction mixtures and for cycling.
  • Wear fresh gloves. Use sterile tubes and pipette tips with aerosol filters for PCR setup.
  • Use only water and reagents that are free of DNA and nucleases.
  • With every PCR setup, perform a contamination control reaction that does not include template DNA.
Standard PCR setup

The standard PCR protocol using biotechrabbit reaction buffer provides excellent results for most applications. Optimization might be necessary for certain conditions, such as the amplification of long targets, high GC or AT content, strong template secondary structures or insufficient template purity. In such cases, optimization of template purification (see biotechrabbit nucleic acid purification kits), primer design and annealing temperature is recommended.

The best conditions for each primer-template can be optimized with the following:

  • Choosing the optimal quantities of template and primers
  • Using a PCR Enhancer (i.e. BR1900201) for low amounts of template, impure or GC-rich templates
  • Optimizing cycling conditions
Basic Protocol
  • The Master Mix is designed to be used without any optimization as it has all necessary reaction components in optimal amounts for successful PCR.
  • Optionally, use the supplied 5× PCR Enhancer to increase the yield and to lower the background in more complicated PCR reactions (low amounts of template, impure or GC-rich template).
  • Thaw on ice and mix all reagents well.
  • Keep all reagents and reactions on ice.
  • Pipet the master mix into thin-walled 0.2 ml PCR tubes.
  • Add template and primers separately if they are not used in all reactions.



Final concentration

2X YourTaq PCR Master Mix

25 µl

5X PCR Enhancer (optional - BR1900201)

10 µl

Forward primer


0.2–1 µM

Reverse primer


0.2–1 µM

Template DNA


10 pg–1 μg


Use 0.01–1 ng for plasmid or phage DNA and 0.05–1 μg for genomic DNA

Nuclease free water



Total volume

50 µl


  • For total reaction volumes other than 50 µl, scale reagents proportionally.
  • Mix and centrifuge briefly to collect the liquid in the bottom of the tube.
  • Place in the PCR cycler.
Cycling Program





Initial activation


2 min




30 s




15–30 s



*Recommended annealing temperature is 2°C above Tm of primers.
Use gradient PCR to optimize the annealing temperature



30–60 s/kb


Final extension


5 min



To extend all incomplete PCR products

Storage in the cycler




  • Add loading dye solution (see 6X DNA Loading Dye, cat. no. BR0800301) to the reactions to analyze PCR products on a gel or store them at −20°C.

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