Synbio Technologies는 혁신적인 합성 생물학 솔루션을 제공하여 생명과학 연구 및 개발을 지원하는 기업입니다.
The General Introduction of NGS Oligos
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is the frontier of modern genomics, capable of decoding millions of DNA fragments concurrently. With even a slight imperfection or contamination of oligos an entire project can derail, leading to a loss of many hours and investment. This technology however, guarantees the quality and accuracy of oligos, a vital foundation in many sequencing projects.
Synbio Technologies’ Syno C Oligo Synthesis Platform can rapidly synthesize high quality NGS oligos with zero contamination and errors. According to the customers' design specifications, we are also able to provide customized NGS oligos.
Industry-Leading Coupling Efficiency
Minimally reduces the previous generation of synthetic oligos
Exclusive Production Processes
Ensures batch-to-batch consistency
Low Levels of the Cross-Contamination
Strict purification standards (purity ≥90%)
Flexible Oligo Specifications
Customizable formulation, mixing options, and documentation available
Service Details
What NGS oligos are used in NGS experiments?
Adapters, Blockers, Hybrid capture probes.
The probes should be stored at -20°C, away from light, and dispensed in brown tubes. It is recommended to use TE Buffer to dilute and store the probes. This will prevent repeated freezing and thawing, which reduces the service life of the probes.
What to look out for when using NGS oligos?
Repeated freezing and thawing of your probes.
SYNBIO의 모든 제품을 만나 보세요!
High Performing DNA-RNA-Protein Molecules
Oligonucleotide Diagnostics & Therapeutics
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