Geneaid는 분자 생물학 연구와 진단을 위한 고품질 핵산 추출 및 분석 솔루션을 제공하는 글로벌 생명과학 기업입니다.
제품 설명
EcoExtra™ Magnetic Beads Plasmid Kit
제품 번호
MPD192, MPD576, MPD1920
제품 특징
DNA Extraction/Plasmid DNA Purification
The EcoExtra™ Magnetic Beads Plasmid Kit was designed for high throughput purification of plasmid DNA from up to 16 ml of cultured bacterial cells per reaction using an efficient magnetic beads system. A modified alkaline lysis method and RNase treatment a re used to obtain clear cell lysate with minimal genomic DNA and RNA contaminants. Typical yields are 6-10 μ g for high copy number plasmid from 1 ml of cultured E. coli cells. The purified plasmid DNA is ready for use in restriction enzyme digestion, ligation, PCR, and sequencing reactions. More important, the EcoExtra™ series kits enable up to 80% reduction of plastic material waste compared to silica-column based kits. Make lab works a lot more eco friendly.
Specifications (Cat. # MPD192, MPD576, MPD1920)
- Sample Volume: 1-16 ml of cultured bacterial cells
- High Yield: 6-10 μg for high-copy number plasmid from 1 ml of cultured E. coli cells
- High Purity plasmid DNA: A260/A280 =1.8-2.0, A260/230 =2.0-2.4
- Plasmid DNA Size: 1-20 kb
- Elution volume: 25-100 µl
- Manual or automated plasmid DNA isolation
- Reduce up to 80% of plastic material waste compared to spin-column based kits, more eco friendly!
- Storage: dry at room temperature (15-25°C)
Restriction Enzyme Digestion, Library Screening, Ligation, PCR, Transformation and Sequencing Reactions
- MPD1 Buffer
- MPD2 Buffer
- MPD3 Buffer
- Wash Buffer
- Elution Buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH8.5 at 25°C)
- RNase A
- MPD Magnetic Beads
The quality of the EcoExtra™ Magnetic Beads Plasmid Kit is tested on a lot-to-lot basis according to Geneaid's ISO-certified quality management system. Plasmid DNA from a 4 ml overnight E. coli (DH5α) culture, containing plasmid pBluescript is purified using the EcoExtra™ Magnetic Beads Plasmid Kit . Following the purification process, a yield of more than 30 μg is obtained and the A260/A280 ratio is between 1.8-2.0.
EcoExtra™ Magnetic Beads Plasmid Kit Functional Test Data
Figure 1 .Plasmid DNA was extracted using the EcoExtra™ Magnetic Beads Plasmid Kit. 5 µl aliquots of a 100 µl eluate of purified super coiled plasmid DNA from 1, 2, and 4 ml overnight E. coli (DH5α) culture, containing a 3 kb plasmid pBluescript (OD600 = 4 ). The purified plasmid were analyzed by electrophoresis on a 0.8% agarose gel.
Lane M = Geneaid 1 Kb DNA Ladder, Lane1-2 =1 ml, Lane 3-4 =2 ml, Lane 5-6 =4 ml cultured E. coli cells
1ml E.coli cells
6-10 µg
2ml E.coli cells
15-20 µg
4ml E.coli cells
26-32 µg
8ml E.coli cells
40-46 µg
16ml E.coli cells
70-78 µg
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Geneaid - Official Distributor in South Korea "Morebio" 한국 공식 대리점 "모아바이오"