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[YEASEN] Ceturegel™ Matrix GFR, Phenol Red-Free, LDEV-Free

Cat-No. 40186ES
40186ES08 / size: 5ml
40186ES10 / size: 10ml

YEASEN은 생명과학 연구 및 진단을 위한 고품질의 연구용 시약과 기기를 제공하는 글로벌 바이오 기업입니다.

제품 설명

Ceturegel™ Matrix GFR, Phenol Red-Free, LDEV-Free

제품 번호

40186ES08 / size: 5ml

40186ES10 / size: 10ml


제품 설명


Ceturegel™ Matrix GFR LDEV-Free Matrix is a growth factors reduced soluble basement membrane preparation extracted from EHS mouse tumors rich in extracellular matrix proteins. Its main components are laminin, type IV collagen, heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) and nestin. Ceturegel™ GFR Matrix is a low-growth factor Matrix obtained after special treatment, which can effectively ensure the needs of some experimental operations that require low-growth factors, such as experiments related to signaling pathways and growth factors. At room temperature, it aggregates to form a biologically active three-dimensional matrix, which simulates the structure, composition, physical properties and functions of the cell basement membrane in vivo, which is beneficial to the culture and differentiation of cells in vitro. It can be used for cell morphology, biochemical function, migration, Invasion and gene expression studies.

The three-dimensional culture matrix formed by Matrix can promote the adherence and differentiation of epithelial cells, hepatocytes, Sertoli cells, melanoma cells, vascular endothelial cells, thyroid cells, and hair follicle cells. Ceturegel™ Matrix can affect gene expression in three-dimensional cultures of murine hepatocytes and human mammary epithelial cells. At the same time, Ceturegel™ Matrix can be used as a basic scaffold for various tumor cell invasion studies using matrigel, an essential matrix for in vitro and in vivo studies of angiogenesis, and a three-dimensional scaffold for the growth of transplanted tumor cells in in vivo animal models. Ceturegel™ Matrix also supports the regeneration of peripheral nerves and the differentiation of bovine fallopian tube epithelial cells.

YEASEN Matrix is a sterile product, does not contain phenol red, and has a concentration of 8~12 mg/mL, which meets various experimental requirements.


  • High Safety: No LDEV (lactate dehydrogenase elevating virus)
  • Multiple Concentration: the concentration range from 8 to 20 mg/ml
  • Batch Consistency: Strict process through the whole product life cycle including the production, quality, warehouse etc.
  • Low Endotoxin: Endotoxin content <8 EU/ml
  • Contamination Control: Adhere to the rigorous residue quality standards of mycoplasmas, bacteria, and fungi
  • High yield:>30L per single batch
  • Wide Compatibility: Compatible with almost all types of cell culture medium


  • 2D Culture Support
  • Migration/Invasion
  • Biochemical Research
  • 3D & Organoid Culture
  • Angiogenesis
  • In Vivo Tumor Formation


Concentration8-12 mg/mL
Product TypeBasement Membrane Matrix
Endotoxin LevelLow
Transportation ConditionsDry Ice Transportation
Product LineCeturegel™ 
Phenol Red IndicatorNone
Product specifications5/10 mL
SpeciesEHS Mouse Tumors
ClassificationLow Growth Factor
Serum LevelNone
LDEV DetectionNone


Components No.Name40186ES0840186ES10
40186Ceturegel™ Matrix GFR,Phenol Red-Free,LDEV-Free5 mL10 mL

Shipping and Storage

Dry ice shipping. -15℃ ~ -25℃ storage, valid for two years.


  • Cell application validation

Figure 1. The application validation of Ceturegel™ Matrix were as shown.

The representative image of HepG2 cell stained with crystal violet after invasion (Figure 1A). The image of 3D culture of HepG2 cell for 4 days (Figure 1B). The representative bright field and fluorescent images of HUVEC cell angiogenesis (Figure 1C)


Figure 2. Intestinal organoids formation

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YEASEN - Official Distributor in South Korea "Morebio" 한국 공식 대리점 "모아바이오"