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[MD Bioproducts] ArthritoMab™ Antibody Cocktail for Balb/c, DBA/1, R10.RIII, 50 mg

Cat-No. CIA-MAB-50

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제품 설명

ArthritoMab™ Antibody Cocktail for Balb/c, DBA/1, R10.RIII, 50 mg

제품 번호


제품 특징


ArthritoMab™ Arthritis Inducing Antibody Cocktail is a cocktail of 4 arthritogenic monoclonal antibodies to collagen II (CII) used for inducing arthritis in the anti-Collagen Antibody Induced Arthritis (CAIA) model. It is an excellent alternative to both the K/BxN and CIA models. Induction is rapid and results in a synchronized, steady and controlled disease progression that exhibits histological similarities to the classic CIA model. Download a protocol guide and data pack to learn more about the epitopes, protocol, optimization tips, positive controls and data.

The Collagen Antibody Induced Arthritis (CAIA) model is a relevant model for studying the efferent phase of RA, where leukocytes are attracted and respond to the immune complex in the joint. It is induced using a cocktail of antibodies to anti-CII and contains pathogenic features similar to that of RA such as pannus formation, cellular infiltration, synovitis and cartilage/bone destruction.

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For use with C57BL/6, TG strains, see ArthritoMab™ Antibody Cocktail for C57BL/6, TG, 50 mg.

Figure: Balb/c were administered 2 mg of ArthritoMab antibody cocktail on day 0 followed by a LPS boost on day 3. Unlike competitor products, disease progression is steady and controlled for easy evaluation of prophylactic and therapeutic regimes.

Benefits of the CAIA model

  • Length of study: Arthritis develops in mice typically within 24-48 hr allowing the completion of a study within 2 weeks reducing the number of assessments and scoring periods.
  • Reduced group size: Rate of incidence is nearly 100% depending on the strain allowing for smaller group sizes.
  • Synchronization: onset of disease is synchronized between animals simplifying treatment schedules.
  • Steady & Controlled disease progression: No rapid & severe disease spikes enabling evaluation of all treatment schedules
  • Susceptibility: Arthritis is induced not only in CIA-susceptible DBA/1 and B10.RIII mice, but also in some CIA-resistant mice, such as Balb/c.
  • Eliminates expensive colonies: Models such as the K/BxN serum transfer model require labs to maintain expensive colonies and the sera can vary from batch to batch.




Epitopes Recognized

CB11, CB10, CB8

CB11 only

Disease Progression

Steady & Controlled

Rapid & Severe

Paw involvement

Consistent & Predominantely rear

Variable & unpredictable





  • Anti-Collagen Induced arthritis (ACIA)
  • Monoclonal Antibody induced arthritis (mAb-RA)
  • Collagen Antibody Induced Arthritis (CAIA) 

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Epitope Specificity

The classic CIA model is mediated by autoantibodies which bind to type II collagen and complement. In mice as well as human RA patients, the antibody response that best correlates with disease is directed against the C1, J1 and U1 epitopes. The ArthritoMab™ arthritogenic cocktail of 4 monoclonal antibodies binds to these well-defined epitopes C11b, J1, D3 and U1, which are spread over the entire CII (CB8, CB10 and CB11 fragments). This possibly encourages better immune complex formation on the cartilage surface for the initiation of arthritis and produces consistent and predictable disease in all 4 paws (with predominance for the rear). Competitor products only recognize CB11, which produces variable disease that can contribute to unpredictable involvement in the paws (sometimes more front paw involvement and other times more rear involvement).


  • Balb/c
  • DBA/1
  • B10.RIII
  • C57Bl/6

Disease Progression & Positive Controls

Disease progression is steady and controlled using ArthritoMab™ antibody cocktail, enabling investigators to evaluate various regimes. Data below was generated using Vehicle, Dexamethasone and Enbrel in the Balb/c strain (induced with 2 mg ArthritoMab™ on day 0 followed by LPS boost on day 3).

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