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[YEASEN] Hieff Clone ™ Universal II One Step Cloning Kit

Cat-No. 10923ES

YEASEN은 생명과학 연구 및 진단을 위한 고품질의 연구용 시약과 기기를 제공하는 글로벌 바이오 기업입니다.

제품 설명

Hieff Clone ™ Universal II One Step Cloning Kit

제품 번호

10923ES20 / size: 20T

10923ES50 / size: 50T

제품 설명

Product description

Hieff CloneTM Universal II One Step Cloning Kit is a new generation homologous recombinant cloning kit. The carefully optimized 2nd generation 2× Hieff CloneTM Universal II Enzyme Premix combines the recombinant enzyme and the buffer required for the recombinant reaction with the addition of a unique recombinant enhancer to significantly improve the efficiency of recombinant cloning.

The kit can be directed to clone PCR products to any site of any vector, compatible with unpurified PCR products, directly recovered PCR products, low concentration of rubber recovered products, this product can reassemble the homologous arm GC content of 30%-70% of the joint fragment. The vector was completely linearized, and homologous sequences of the end of the linearized vector of 15-25 bp were introduced into the 5 'end of the positive and reverse PCR primers of the inserted fragment, so that the 5' and 3 'ends of the PCR products of the inserted fragment had exactly the same sequence corresponding to the two ends of the linearized vector, respectively. Under the action of recombinant enzyme, the recombinant reaction of PCR product and linearized vector can be completed in as little as 5 min at 50℃. The positive rate of cloning can reach more than 95%.



.Simple: Seamlessly assemble and clone up to six DNA fragments in a single reaction.

.Flexible: Design guidelines allow assembly into any vector of your choice.

.Efficient: Efficient for ligation of one to six fragments.



.Rapid Cloning: It allows multiple overlapping DNA fragments to be seamlessly linked in a one-step, 5–50 minute isothermal reaction.

.Directed Cloning; Site-Directed Mutagenesis.



Cloning Process

Seamless cloning


Positive control


Up to 6 fragments

Product type

Seamless Cloning and Assembly Kit



Components No.


10923ES05(5 T)

10923ES20(20 T)

10923ES50(50 T)


2 × Hieff CloneTM Universal II Enzyme Premix

50 μL

200 μL

500 μL


500 bp control insert (25 ng/μL)

5 μL

5 μL

5 μL


pUC 19 control vector, linearized (50 ng/μL)

5 μL

5 μL

5 μL




This product should be stored at -25~-15℃ for 1 years.



Figure 1. 10 ng low-input single fragments were connected in the non-resuscitation receptive state of the 6μL small system. The results showed that 10923ES had better performance than competing products, with high connection efficiency, more colonies and a positive rate of 100%. A-B: Reconstituted conversion plate. The molar ratio of carrier (10 kb) to insert fragment (1 kb) was 1:2. C: Electrophoresis map identified by insertion fragment PCR, M: YEASEN 10505ES.


Figure 4. Six fragment (7.6 kb) connections. The results showed that 10923ES had better performance than competing products, with more colonies and positive rate of 100%. A-B: Reconstituted conversion plate. The molar ratio of carrier (11.6 kb) to insert fragment (7.6 kb) was 1:2. C: Electrophoresis map identified by insertion fragment PCR, M: YEASEN 10505ES. Colony PCR length is 2.6 kb.


YEASEN의 모든 제품을 만나 보세요!


mRNA enzyme


Viral Vector Manufacturing

Quality Analysis Kit

NGS Library Preparation


DNA Library Preparation

RNA Library Preparation

NGS Module

NGS enzyme

Magnetic Bead

Library Quantitation

Molecular Diagnostics

Glycerol-free Enzyme

RT-qPCR Enzyme

RT-LAMP Enzyme



Life Science Reagents

Hot Products

Molecular Biology

Cell Culture & Analysis

Protein Research

Animal Model


YEASEN - Official Distributor in South Korea "Morebio" 한국 공식 대리점 "모아바이오"