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[Cusabio] Neuroscience Research with Cusabio's Cutting-Edge Products

관리자 2024-07-11 조회수 243

CUSABIO는 암, 세포 생물학, 면역학, 신경과학, 후생유전학 등 연구 분야의 글로벌 고객에게 60,000개 이상의 검증된 항체, 

10,000개 이상의 재조합 단백질, 660개 이상의 사이토카인 및 수천 개의 ELISA 키트를 제공하는 검증된 제조업체 입니다. 

다양한 과학 연구 분야에서 고객의 폭 넓은 요구를 충족시킬 수 있는 Cusabio의 제품을 만나보세요. 

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Neuroscience research is important for understanding human brain function, treating neurological disorders, and advancing related drug development.Neurological disorders are diseases that affect the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and other components of the nervous system. These diseases include,but are not limited to, cerebrovascular disease, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and others.

CUSABIO provides neuroscience research related proteins, antibodies, ELISA kits products,as well as cytokines commonly used in neural cell culture, to help related mechanisms of functional research and drug discovery and development.

● Alzheimer's Disease (AD)

● Parkinson's Disease (PD)