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[Antibodysystem] Murine Bispecific Antibodies

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AntibodySystem는 Primary Antibody Biosimilar - Research Grade 

제품을 전문적으로 생산하는 20년의 경험이 있는 High Quality 제조사입니다. 

Murine Bispecific Antibodies for in vivo cancer research

To support proof-of-concept studies, AntibodySystem has developed wide range of murine bispecific antibodies for in vivo experiments. All catalogues are accessible conveniently from our global distributors with short delivery time.As a complement, the design and development of custom bispecific antibody from randomly chosen targets are also available.

  • Designed with a fully murine structure to minimize immune response in mouse models.
  • The lgG-like structure of the antibody can better ensure that the antibody work well in the studies.
  • Guaranteed low endotoxin and high purity levels,ideal for in vivo cancer research.
  • Proven efficacyin T-cell-mediated tumor cell eradication in murine systems

Murine Bispecific Antibodies for in vivo cancer research


Target pairsTarget pairs
mPD-1 mPD-L1mLAG3 + mPD-L1
mPD-1 mCD47mLAG3 + mPD-1
mPD-L1 + mCD3EmCD276 + mCD3E
mPD-L1 mCD47mGPC3 + mCD3E
mPD-L1 mOX40mROR1 mCD3E
mPD-L1 mCD28mNectin4 mCD3E
mCD19 mCD3EmCTLA-4 mPD-L1
mCD20 + mCD3EmCTLA-4 mOX40


All products are for research use only

AntibodySystem의 모든 제품들을 만나 보세요!  


Recombinant Protein


Assay Kit

Research Biosimilar


Trending Product

Super-Affinity Antibody

Cell Lysates

Antibodysystem - Official Distributor in South Korea "Morebio" 한국 독점 대리점 "모아바이오"